The Air Repair Pad is a level 2 structure built by the Construction Vehicle, Construction KBot, Construction Aircraft, and the Construction Hovercraft. The Air Repair Pad will repair any aircraft landed on it, and when it is activated, will summon any damaged friendly aircraft back for repairs if they are damaged during a mission. To land an aircraft on the air repair pad, the player simply selects the aircraft he wishes to repair and issue a move order onto the repair pad.

In TA:Esc, we included another functionality to the air repair pad in the form of a nanolathe tower upgrade. To start the upgrade, the user simply click the nanolathe tower option from the left-hand-side menu. The upgrade process can be assisted by any construction unit. Once the upgrade has been complete, the tower will automatically repair any damaged friendly unit within its range, and it will automatically assist in the construction of any friendly structures within range. The nano tower will also reclaim any features that may provide resources when resources are not stored at capacity. All of this is done automatically. However, if the player wishes to issue a direct order to the tower, he can select the tower by clicking it in the upper corner of the air repair pad and then issue the order. The nano tower upgrade is unable to guard factories and assist in construction. This option has been turn off to prevent abuse.